Have you made a mistake while working on your project and want to fix it?
Rewind shows your project's history (powered by git), and allows you to undo project edits.
To open the Rewind history:
- In the project editor, click TOOLS at the bottom of the page.
- In the tools menu, click the Rewind button.
With Rewind open, you can:
- See every checkpoint (or git commit) that has been made, along with who made it and what changes were made.
- Drag the purple progress bar through the project history timeline to see file changes. Code that was added will be highlighted in green and code that was removed will be highlighted in red.
- Set the purple progress bar on a specific point in the project history timeline and click Rewind Project to revert any changes made to the right of the progress bar.
- Close the project history by clicking the Cancel button.
Noted issues with Rewind:
- If you are trying to rewind to a previous version of a Node project but nothing is changing, it could be that the version you are rewinding to was using a deprecated version of Node. If this is the case and you are not able to manually revise your project to its previous state, reach out to support and request that we revert your project to a previous state from a backup. Let us know the project name and the rewind checkpoint you are trying to revert to and we'll try to find a backup that coincides with that day/time to revert to.